A Note From The Farmer's Wife

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cara and I am not a farmer, just his wife. I am, however, the creator of all things bloggy and paperwork related, so any posts you read here will most probably be written in my farming-is-lost-on-me prose.

If you have a serious question about something that requires acutal knowledge of a tomato seed from a squash one, please, I implore you - email Jeremiah!

With that said, enjoy our blog and please try not to giggle too much at my expense.

All Purple Thumbs,

The Farmer's Wife

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Bloggy Transition!

Recently, in a 'how to grow your business' kind of book I read this question / answer set.

Q : It is better for me to have a blog or a website?

A: Ultimately, both - for each serves a different purpose to the consumer.

In the last couple weeks since our new website went live I have come to understand how very true this is. I can't speak, for you - the consumer, but I can say that I LOVE the new site for many reasons.

Let me list them for you:

1. I love the way that the facts you want to stay put - do.
2. I love that I can create picture galleries!
3. I LOVE that there are menu tabs allowing you to navigate the information at your own rate.
4. I really love that every time you go to the site a different picture in the slideshow greets you.

But, most of all, I love that it is the 'grown up' version of this blog. The go-to place when you have any questions farm or CSA related.

That said, I am quite fond of the blog too because this is where I get to use my farmer's wife snarky side telling stories of a purple-thumbed gal navigating foreign soil!

All of which is a long winded (did you catch that about me yet?) way of saying that the blog will remain a place for me to tell tales of veggie woeness, silly stories of harvesting, share more recipies that didn't make THE one of the month, etc.

BUT, for any 'grown up', read: business aspect information - please try the website first.

http://www.littlevillagefarm.com/ It's where we live now.

Oh - and a HUGE shout out to my good friend Ken Saccardo, owner of Spring River Enterprises in Ludlow, Vermont. Not only did he design the site for us, but he endured side-by-side content design with me and successfully taught me nearly enough to maintain the site on my own!

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